Weighbridge for sale at Camaweigh
What is a Weighbridge?
Weighbridge, also known as a truck Scale, is a weighing machine that measures the overall weight of vehicles. Where vehicle weighing machines such as axle weighs and weighing pads measure weight pressure on separate wheel axles, a weighbridge weighs a vehicle as a whole.
A weighbridge is made of five components.
Weighbridges are used to measure the whole weights of heavy vehicles such as cars and tons. The weighbridges for sale at Camaweigh can weigh up to 40 tons.
Camaweigh features two types of Weighbridges:
Modern digital weighbridges have over a 95% accuracy rate. To achieve the best results, handlers use multiple calibration tests to ensure the machine gives the same results every time.
Weighbridge measures heavy vehicles, mostly with loaded goods. It essentially serves as a cash register for commercial transactions of loaded goods.
Weighbridges for sale at Camaweigh range between $7,800 and $26,880 depending on the size and features.
A fixed weighbridge is installed in a concrete pit that supports load cells and the steel platform. The load cells are connected to a junction box via connecting cables and the result is displayed on the scale indicator. A portable weighbridge on the other hand comes folded and equipped with every component. Handlers only have to unfold the machine at a suitable place.
A weighbridge is essential to the vehicle and goods manufacturing industry. For vehicles, it assures if they are safe to drive. For goods, accurate weighing helps the industry maintain goods inward and outward. It also facilitates commercial transactions of goods.
Weighbridge can work with both mechanical levers and electronics. Electric weighbridges have load cells that determine the weight of the load by a change in current resistance due to pressure. For a mechanical weighbridge, a single load inserted into the bottom work of the machines makes it an Electro-Mechanical weighbridge.
A truck scale, also called a weighbridge can be used to measure the weight of a truck in whole. A truck scale is usually mounted into the ground as is essential for the goods transport industry.
Camaweigh is an international supplier of weighbridges. We have weighbridges of all scales at competitive rates to meet your specific requirement. We provide all regulatory and safety compliance for all weighing scales/machines that we sell. At Camaweigh, we pride ourselves on our efficiency and dependability. A sales representative will reach out to you within 24 hours to discuss your quotation to buy Weighbridges. You can also send a message on WhatsApp at +86-131-2037-9271 for a quick response.
Camaweigh's Weighbridges for sale